About Me

My name is Ben Pongracz, and I am currently teaching eighth and ninth grade mathematics in Reading, Pennsylvania. This will be my fifth year teaching in this urban school district. I graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia with a degree in Mathematics. I am currently pursuing a Masters of Education in Instructional Technology at Walden University. I have a passion for mathematics; I love the order and consistency that it encompasses and the logic that defines it. I also have a passion for technology and want to use it as much as I can to prepare my students for this rapidly changing world in which we live.

As a result, the purpose of this blog is to post my thoughts on teaching mathematics and using technology in the classroom effectively as well as to seek advice and wisdom from other experienced educators. Thank you in advance for reading and sharing your thoughts. Professional collaboration can play a pivotal role in developing teachers that we might better serve our students.

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